Headteacher: Mrs H Forrester

Kings Road, Prestwich, Manchester M25 0HT



Sedgley Park Community Primary School


Attending school is directly related to what a child achieves. At Sedgley Park Primary School we aim for at least 96% attendance for the academic year. Please help us to achieve this target by ensuring your child attends school regularly, is punctual each day and does not take holidays in term time.

If you have any concerns or queries about your child's attendance, please speak to Mrs Forrester or Mrs Greenhalgh. 

Absence from school

Any absence must be reported to school by 9am. A message can be left on the school answerphone stating the child's name, class and reason for absence.

When no message has been received, a member of staff will telephone home to ask about the reason for absence.

When no explanation for absence has been forthcoming and when school have exhausted all efforts to ascertain the reason for absence, the absence will be marked as unauthorised.

Any prolonged, unexplained absence from school will be investigated by the school. If an illness is frequently claimed as a reason for absence, school may request medical evidence in order to authorise future absences.

All absences are monitored on a regular basis by Mrs Forrester and the local authority. Where a child's attendance is causing concern and/or if attendance falls below 90% then a meeting may be held to ascertain ways in which we can work together to improve future attendance.

Any requests for holidays in term time will not be authorised as advised by the local authority. Parents must write a letter to the Headteacher informing her of the dates the child will be absent from school and/or complete an Exceptional Leave request. These can be found in the school entrance and there is a link below.

Exceptional Leave Request Form



Our playground is open from 8.20am. The doors open at 8.45am and will close promptly at 8.50am when the school bell rings. Anyone arriving after the doors are closed must enter the school via the office and sign in using the electronic system.

For pupils to get the most out of their schooling, it is essential that they arrive on time. Lateness can result in an unsettled start to the day and causes disruption for other classmates.

15 minutes of lateness each day can add up to an average of 2.5 days missed education each term.



