Home School Agreement
This home/school agreement is in the front of your child’s planner.
Please read it through carefully together and sign at the beginning of each academic year.
Agreement on Behaviour
As a member of Sedgley Park Primary School, I agree that at all times:-
1. I will treat others as I would like to be treated.
2. I will not bully others and will not be involved in any acts of violence.
3. I will not tease or pass nasty remarks about others.
4. I will tell the truth, even if it might seem difficult at times.
5. I will follow the school rules.
6. I will try my best with my class work and will not disrupt the efforts of others.
7. I will try to be kind and helpful to everyone at the school.
8. I will help to keep the school environment clean and pleasant.
9. I will not take anything belonging to anyone else.
10. I will make sure I attend school regularly and am on time.