Headteacher's Welcome
A very warm welcome to our website.
I am very proud indeed, to be the Headteacher of Sedgley Park Primary School. We are a vibrant, diverse, multi-cultural school, where a caring family ethos is at the heart of our community. I started working at the school in 2003 and was only ever meant to be here for 3 months! I'm so glad that I had the opportunity to stay and develop my career in such a special setting.
The school has high quality, hard-working and passionate staff, who nurture our pupils into becoming resilient, reflective learners. They deliver an exciting and creative curriculum, offering our pupils a wide range of enjoyable learning experiences, to develop their skills, placing a great importance in enrichment activities, which enhance the children’s knowledge and understanding.
We have an active School Council where pupils’ opinions are valued and their ideas have helped to shape a variety of school improvements over the recent years. The Governing Body is pro-active and every class in school has a dedicated School Governor who visits them on a regular basis. I believe that parental support is essential in helping your child to succeed and if any parents would like to get involved in school life, you can join our parents association.
Our aim is to provide a caring, engaging educational environment, where every pupil is valued. The school motto is ‘Dream. Believe. Achieve.’ We will - 'Dare our pupils to dream, encourage our pupils to believe in themselves and inspire them to achieve all they can!'
Finally, I hope this website gives you a flavour of our school. Do visit us. You will receive a very warm welcome indeed!
Happy Browsing!
Mrs Forrester